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Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Great Delusion

Nothing robs us of precious moments and vital time more than blatant lies, disguised deception, and fanciful falsehoods. In contrast, we get the most out of life when we view life clearly, live life rightly, and center our lives purposefully. The key to getting the most out of life is simple: discover what is most important in life and don't waste time getting to it. Hint: it's not about self, regardless of whatever self you identify with.

Unfortunately, everybody's gullible. We are easy pickings for the truth twisters and falsehood fabricators. With a few tweets or a Facebook posting, we are easily scared into a herd mentality stampede that tramples the rights of any dissenters and refuses to engage in meaningful and reasonable dialogue. In essence, we are in a new age -- the age of reason is no more.

Instead of logic and reason being used to influence decisions and opinions about social matters, many now use name calling and intimidation in the form of mob shaming. They plug up their ears and shout their opponents down. They show no respect for others, but demand respect from others.

In the midst of terrorists threatening on every front, cancer and Alzheimer's affecting nearly every family, and racism and violence plaguing our country, special interest groups have identified another enemy, an enemy to be attacked by all. This enemy consists of groups of bigots who threatens our loving nation with hate-filled messages, and unreasonable demands. Who are these unreasonable, hate-filled bigots? In a world where hate does exist and bigots do live, authentic Christians have now been labeled as such. What's their crime? What horrible message or unreasonable demands have they made? They believe in truth. They believe the Bible. They love God more than they love themselves. They seek holiness. They seek what's best for others. They determine right and wrong based on God's wisdom instead of man's sinful, self-absorbing, destructive desires. They see gender being determined by physiological makeup as determined by God and verified by science, instead of by a fluid and ever changing mental and emotional state of an individual.

Up until the last few years logic, reason, science, medical knowledge, and the Bible all viewed homosexuality and transgenderism in the same light. So what changed? Who reprogrammed the matrix? How did we wake up in the Twilight Zone?

Many find themselves bewildered by the rejection of obvious truths and the embracing of indisputable falsehoods. Thankfully, we don't need to remain bewildered. Although the Bible is often accused of being out of date and unrelated to the workings of current events, it amazingly, and adequately addresses and often explains the inexplicable. The following passage may help us to understand what's going on in the world:

"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 ESV).

The lawless one is actively pushing his agenda. As his time draws to a close, his actions will increase. This is pointed out in a great book I'm presently reading, Prophecy, Pansexuality and Pandemonium by Li Ann Thio, who is a professor of law in Singapore and works in the fields of constitutional and administrative law, international law and human rights law in Asia. She holds a Master's and Doctorate in Law from Harvard Law School and Cambridge University, respectively. She had a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ as a first year undergraduate at Keble College, Oxford, after which she disavowed humanism and nihilism, and embraced authentic Christianity.

In her book, she addresses the insanity that is sweeping our country. She writes, "This spirit of lawlessness has a primary goal of erasing all the distinctions God has established between right and wrong, male and female, holy and profane" (p. 2).  She further adds on page 3 of her book, "The spirit of lawlessness is not some abstract thing or idea; it is motivated by the lawless one, and it has a spiritual dimension which is expressed concretely through both a legal and political agenda."

I've included a link to a story that reveals the lawless one at work. Don't let the lawless one deceive you. The transgender issue is much more than a matter of who gets to use which restroom. It's not about human rights or dignity. It's about who determines what sex we are, what is right or wrong, and who does have authority. The choices: a holy God or depraved mankind.

The lawless one can't be defeated by the weapons of this world. We can't convince those under his spell to believe the truth and reject falsehoods. Logic and reason don't work in his realm. This is why our dependence must be on God. The apostle Paul aptly put it, "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:3-4 ESV).

We must stand for what is right and godly. We must resist the lawless one. We must fight him in the courts, in PTA meetings, on social media, and at work. Most of all, we must fight him on our knees. God is the only One who can change minds, transform hearts, and bring deliverance to the captives. Let us resist the Great Delusion and help others to see it for what it is.

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